Healthy Vegan - Drunken Spicy Red Wine Spaghetti

I made this Drunken Spicy Red Wine Spaghetti on Friday evening, so we could drink the rest the remaining bottle that evening. The red wine in question this time came from Marks & Spencers Shiraz Six Hats which is suitable for vegans and vegetarians, its also Fair Trade. We only drink once a week, either on a Friday or Saturday so it has be a good one. Its also our acknowledgement that the weekend has started and thank goodness for it after a long week in work. Vegan Mof o theme this week is Rainbow Food and the prompt today is Monochrome: One Colour Food and wallah here is a bowl of Drunken Spicy Red Wine Spaghetti . So how would you describe this colour? Blush, cardinal, amaranth or just simply red wine. My husband D, absolutely loved this Drunken Spicy Red Wine Spaghetti and said it made for a delicious change from our vegetarian version of The Red Lady Putttanesca and The Angry Arrabiata that we so often have. I did ...