Healthy Vegan - Golden Turmeric Barley with Cauliflower

Did you have a good Christmas? We had a quiet one - just the two of us. I have lots to share, but I wanted to share something that I have eaten recently that is not particularly festive, but interesting none the less. Golden Glowing Turmeric is all the rage at the moment. These days it can be found in soups, smoothies, teas, lattes, hummus, vegan cheese, Tofu scrambles and even sweet and savoury porridge's . However turmeric is not a new and trendy ingredient to me, as a person of South Asian heritage, I have been eating and drinking turmeric all my life and have even used it as a natural face (beauty) product. Loving its colour and its medicinal qualities and loathing how it can taint every thing in its way - not the Midas touch I was expecting. A bit like the Turmeric New Potatoes yes I admit this bowl of Barley looks radioactive. I've had and made Turmeric Rice many times in my life, but wanted to ring the change...