Healthy Vegan - Lemon Marrow Conserve Jam Jelly

I was going to make Lemon Velvet Marrow Cream with my homegrown marrows, but when I looked in my storage cupboards, I still had two jars from last year. I changed my mind and decided on Marrow Jam instead. Here it is all potted it up. I have to admit I was not really sure what to call it, so am calling it everything under the Western sun from conserve to jelly to jam. I would even call it marmalade as that is how it looks to the eyes. As I have only made this Lemon Marrow Conserve recently, I have not had opportunity to crack open a jar and taste it fully, but from the leftovers in the pot it reminded me in texture of preserved ginger pieces, a little bite. I am going to make some Lemonade Scones and in place of red berry jam, I will use this Lemon Marrow Conserve and will give you more insight into what these corn yellow jars mimics the most. For now, h ere is a link to some other Unusual Homemade Preserves, Ja...