Healthy Vegan - Snow Capped Meringue Brownie Bites

One of my cute nieces and she is rather cute came over for a visit and stayed most of the afternoon. I had picked up some ready made mini meringues from the supermarket for a speedy dessert with fruit and whipped cream, but the niece hinted for brownies. I couldn't say no to that beautiful face. We topped the Brownies with some mini meringues dubbed as snow. She normally likes her brownies plain and pure, without fruit or any other fancy toppings, but was rather forgiving of these mini meringues. D thought it was a slightly odd combination, but welcomed them with a dollop of whipped cream. I am sharing these with Tin and Thyme for We Should Cocoa . Snow Capped Meringue Brownie Bites Makes 1 x 8 inch square tin, cut about 9, even more if you cut them into smaller bites! Ingredients 115g butter 45g cocoa powder 2 eggs, lightly beaten 225g caster sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla essence 55g self-raising flour 50grams ...